The Online Faculty System

The Online Faculty System

The Faculty process is a necessary safeguard to ensure that alterations and repairs to our church buildings are of the highest quality and that important contents are preserved. However, for those involved in making changes to a church it can seem a difficult process.

All applications are made using the Online Faculty System

On 1 April 2020 new faculty rules came into effect. The new rules aim to better support churches through the faculty process. For churches with far-reaching proposals that will change the character of a listed building wide consultation remains necessary. This consultation (with Historic England, Amenity Societies et al) must now take place before the works come to the DAC, thus enabling a more comprehensive response before the Chancellor sees the final application.

Updated guidance for parishes on the new rules from the Church of England is here. The flowchart can be downloaded as a stand-along document.

Full guidance for parishes on all the aspects of using the Online Faculty System are online

Full guidance on producing a satisfactory PCC Resolution to meet the requirements of the Chancellor and Archdeacons can be found here.

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