Minor Repairs & Improvements Fund

Minor Repairs & Improvements Fund

The Diocese of Southwell & Nottingham has secured up to £152,000 from the Church Commissioners’ Minor Repairs & Improvements scheme to distribute during 2024-2025. These funds are intended to support parishes in the upkeep of their buildings by carrying out small-scale but urgent works and ‘stitch in time’ projects that could save larger sums in the long term, as well as enable improvements which will help sustain and grow mission and ministry of the local church.

Grants of up to £5k are available to PCCs (£10k for those within the 20% most-deprived parishes on the Church Urban Fund deprivation index) at a rate of up to 90%, unless there are exceptional circumstances justifying a funding rate of 100%. 

The deadline for the first round applications is 30th November 2024 at 12pm, with a second round in Spring 2025. Any PCC can make an application – using the online form, provided they have an eligible project. If the value of applications is greater than the funds available in any funding round, the Grant Awarding Panel will use an agreed weighting criteria to prioritise awards. Grants are awarded on the understanding that, if required, Faculty permission is awarded before work commences.

It is very much hoped that these funds will prove to be a blessing and an encouragement to parishes, especially where lack of funds and small grants is preventing a project from getting off the ground. 

Detailed eligibility criteria, guidance notes and the on-line application form are available below. 

Queries or requests for further information should be sent to: stephen.watson@southwell.anglican.org

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