Ministerial Development Review


The Ministerial development review is a great tool to help clergy reflect on how their ministry is going in the light of the vision of the diocese and also to look forward to planning outcomes for future development.
The purpose of MDR is to enable ministers better to fulfil their leadership role in their context and the wider Church by setting realistic intentions for their wellbeing, work, and ongoing vocational development.

The MDR is a guided conversation between a trained reviewer and a member of the clergy, considering their work and opportunities, their relationships with the wider church and world and to consider appropriate levels of support and challenge. 

The effectiveness of the review relies on the clergy person engaging fully into the process and in the skill of the reviewer in drawing out outcomes and challenges to be addressed. Support for outcomes can be accessed through the Discipleship and Ministry team.

If you have any questions relating to the Ministry Development Review, please contact Rev’d Sarah Patten ( or by phone 07827 291724.

MDR Overview

MDR form 2025

Optional – Preparing & Updating Your Role Description 2025

Optional – Wellbeing – Burnout Questionnaire 2025

Optional – Wellbeing – Life Changes Rating Scale 2025

Optional – Wellbeing – Keeping a 2 Week Diary 2025

MDR Outcomes and Intentions Template 2025

360 feedback 2025 hardcopy for delivery

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