

Arrangements for seasonal shutdown will be displayed here.

If you need to contact please use the online “Report a Concern” button, email using or the main safeguarding number 01636 817200

You can find the details of the Safeguarding Team here.

The Safeguarding Team is available to support parishes and Diocesan staff when safeguarding concerns arise about a Church Officer.  A Church Officer is anyone who undertakes a role for or on behalf of the Church of England.  The role could be paid or voluntary and must be covered under the activities of the Parochial Church Council (PCC) at a parish level or the Diocese.  We can advise parishes where they have complex situations and where there is a need to link into the statutory agencies working in safeguarding.  The team also has a role to play in assessing and supporting those who may pose a risk to others who wish to worship in our churches.  We also run a series of training courses and events to support Parish Safeguarding Officers.

We aim to treat everyone with respect and while some of our decisions can be difficult, we will always provide a reason for them.  We have built a team from different professional background, but all have extensive experience in working in safeguarding.  Our aim in all we do is to work together to ensure our places of worship are as safe as we can make them for all.  Come and meet the team.

Support for the use of the ‘Parish Dashboard’

Pete Edwards has very kindly offered to be our ‘Parish Dashboard Ambassador’! Pete is a PSO for three churches in the Churches of Sherwood Forest benefice and is very experienced with using the dashboard.

Whether you would like support to access the dashboard and start using it from scratch, or if you have any other dashboard queries, please do contact Pete and he will be very happy to offer you support.

You can contact Pete via his email address or on his mobile: / 07754 567043

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